Water Park GochNess

70 Votes


GochNessKranenburger Str. 20, Kessel, 47574 Goch
Telephone: +49 2827/9200-0
This pool also has a separate Natural Swimming Pool. Information about settings and opening hours of this Natural Swimming Pool can be found here.

Opening Hours

Tuesday6:30am to 9amFrühschwimmen
10am to 10pm
Thursday6:30am to 9amFrühschwimmen
10am to 10pm
Saturday11am to 6pm
Sunday11am to 6pm


A sport pool with 6 lanes and a length of 25m is available. A separate non swimmer pool is available. A 3m diving platform is also available. There is no sperate diving pool.
The pool offers sauna facilities, a flow channel, gastronomy, an out side pool, a lifting floor, classes, a big water slide, a parent child area with a squirting figure and a small slide, massage as well as starting blocks.

swimming clubs